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Animate your strategy with Gify (GIFs). (what they are and everything you should know about them)

by TechnologyTimesNow
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What are Gify (GIF’s)?

what is GIF

Gify (GIFs) consist of a series of frames that follow each other, creating an animation without sound that repeats in a loop in 5 to 10 seconds. These have a maximum of 256 colors, making them lighter than videos but more dynamic than conventional images, taking both formats’ best.

The Evolution Of Gify (GIFs)

If we look for the word gify in the dictionary, we will not find it. It is an acronym(GIF) that refers to the English Expression Graphics interchange format.
This image format was created in 1987 by Steve Wilhite at Compuserve, an American communications company.

The graphics interchange format (GIF) is one of the many graphics formats available for web design and other projects.

Advantages of the Gify (GIF) image format

Other common formats are JPG and PNG, but each image format has its characteristics. Gify (GIF) images avoid, in some cases, the quality of each image, but they also have their advantages.

Image size

Many webmasters will want to make each image as light as possible to optimize their websites’ loading time. The GIF format can be quite heavy, so other formats often use instead. JPG images can often be smaller in size without further loss of quality, but by comparison, GIF images are large no matter how they are saved.


GIF images are often avoided in favor of other formats such as JPG or PNG when image quality matters. The Gify (GIF)format is limited to 8 bit (256) color depth, which means that many images may look grainy or overly compressed.


Transparent images are useful for designs that use curves and other special effects. The GIF format supports transparency in your images while most other formats do not, making them a good choice for transparent images. PNG also supports transparency, but this format is not displayed correctly in as many browsers as the GIF format.


GIF images can be animated by combining a series of frames into a compressed image. This can be done with various graphics editing programs or Web sites that will create an animated image after all frames of the animation provide to you. Most other formats do not support animation, so GIF is a useful choice for this type of graphic, which can use for user profile images, website banners, buttons, and more.

Where or on what Pages can I get the Best Animated gifs?

  • Giphy: the quintessential gif search engine.
  • Gifsoup: tool to search or create your own gifs
  • Tumblr: a social network where it is very easy to find funny gifs
  • Reddit: another good source of animated gifs


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