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How to Play Scratchcards Online at a Casino

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How to Play Scratch Cards Online at a Casino

How to Play Scratch Cards Online at a Casino? – The concept of a casino is something that has been around for several hundred years now, with the Venetians being the first to properly explore it in a genuinely regulated sense, establishing their Casino di Venezia back in the 17th century. Many things have changed since then, however the basic casino framework stayed much the same for a long time, albeit with a few different new games entering the fray from time to time – try Rainforest Magic Bingo.

This all changed with the emergence of online casino though, an industry that has completely changed how the overall casino world operates. Nowadays gamblers can choose from an almost never-ending sequence of casino games, with there being so many different things on offer, even scratchcards! Scratchcards online are some of the more niche online casino games, but they’re still great fun. Read on to find out how to play scratchcards online at a casino… 

A history of scratchcards

Scratchcards are something that millions of us have grown up with throughout our lives, however you don’t often think about the interesting history behind these things. Scratchcards these days are so widespread that it can be interesting to learn that they were only invented in the 1970s, by a US company called Scientific Games Corporation.

But it took another couple of decades for scratchcards to become the world conquering quick-time gambling fix that it is today, after the 1987 patenting by AstroMed Inc. Scratchcards immediately became immensely popular all over the world, often being used to fundraise for various charitable causes. Nowadays scratchcards come second only to the national lottery in the UK gambling popularity rankings – it proves how great they are! 

What are online scratchcards?

So, what are online scratchcards then? Surely you didn’t think that the scratchcard industry also wouldn’t make the jump online? Online scratchcards are based on the same model as real life scratchcards, hwoever this time the Random Number Generator dominates all, just like with online slots.

Online scratchcards also have some wicked themes, as well as bonus features and rounds that you cannot get in the regular real life version of scratchcards.

Step-by-step: How to play scratchcards online at a casino

Playing scratchcards online is some of the best fun that can be had at an online casino, and now we’re going to tell you more about how you can play:

  1.       Do your research and find an online casino with a healthy selection of scratchcards. Also remember casino deposit bonuses!
  2.       Choose from a range of scratchcards, remember to think about bonus features as well as whether you would like regular scratchcard jackpots or progressive jackpots.
  3.       After you have chosen a scratchcard it’s time to scratch off each square. There is usually three lines of three squares to uncover.

4.       Get your fingers crossed for some prizes! Online scratchcard prizes can come in many different shapes and forms, from cash jackpots all the way through to lucrative bonus rounds.

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