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Public vs. Private Cloud

Both private and public clouds have their perks and downsides. Depending on what an organization or business wants, they could go one way or the other. To help with that, we put private and public clouds against each other to see what they offer so you know which suits you.

The private cloud has its charms, with the high level of control offered, among other perks of a self-assembled and maintained system. However, colocation has allowed data centers to pop up with the ability to cheaply provide high interconnection density, low latency, and more reliability, using innovations like cross-connection cabling, peering exchange, inter-site connectivity, and more.  

Let’s dive in and break them down.

What Is the Private Cloud?

A private cloud, also known as an on-site private data center, is a cloud computing paradigm in which one business has exclusive access to the cloud, its applications, and related equipment. Although a CSP (cloud service provider) could still operate a private cloud, it is devoted to a single user with no resource-sharing.

Private clouds are most commonly utilized by businesses that seek highly customized and secure IT infrastructures.

What Is the Public Cloud?

A public cloud is an IT architecture in which cloud providers offer computing capabilities, such as develop-and-deploy environments, data processing and storage, and apps, available to enterprises and individuals on demand via the public internet.

Public clouds are commonly used as a failsafe and recordkeeping medium for corporate data to ensure business continuity, offload front-end web applications to reduce latency to all users, and support the ‘cloud bursting’ of IT resources.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private and Public Clouds

To help narrow down what would be perfect for your needs, it is worth looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each method. This will provide context and highlight what customers are looking for when they choose one or the other.

Private Cloud


1. Better Resource Utilization

Many of the advantages of private cloud computing are provided by the server virtualization that underpins all forms of cloud computing. Typically, servers are underutilized, and virtualization improves resource efficiency for private cloud customers, allowing workloads to be transferred to a new physical server when service business requirements change.

2. Lower Costs for Some Enterprises

According to experts, businesses are frequently unaware of a public cloud’s total cost of ownership (TCO) until they get their bill. The data reveals that 41 percent (PDF) of IT decision-makers believe their private cloud is less costly than an equivalent public cloud.

Other companies like Netflix, which operates in an environment with light regulations, runs one type of workload, and sees usage fluctuations worldwide, would be better off with the public cloud.

3. Better Regulatory Compliance

Private cloud environments’ safety and customizability features have contributed to their appeal among enterprises with regulatory considerations. Private clouds may assist in addressing critical compliance requirements such as PCI-Compliant Hosting and HIPAA-Compliant Hosting.

4. Predictable Server Utilization

Organizations should consider private clouds with consistent and predictable resource requirements. These companies have a greater chance to optimize their resources and hence cloud expenditure, given that flexibility is optional.


  1. Most private cloud customers demand considerable IT expenditures for cloud setup, management, and maintenance.
  2. Because the company must either create and manage its infrastructure or pay a third party, utilizing a private cloud is nearly always more costly than working with a public cloud.
  3. Remote and mobile access is often restricted in most private cloud settings. Many private cloud systems do not meet the demands of the modern worker, owing to recent workforce changes and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public Cloud


1. No CapEx

Organizations with a public cloud model often have reduced IT expenditures since they don’t have to acquire, run, or manage hardware or software. Furthermore, most cloud computing packages are predicated on usage pricing, which ensures that businesses only pay for the resources they utilize.

2. Automated Backups and Disaster Recovery

Companies can easily automate backups of their data, programs, and other assets across worldwide public cloud regions. As such, they can handle keeping hardware in several data centers or paying for accompanying labor and infrastructure costs, as you would with on-premises backup and recovery.

3. Scalable and Agile

Scalability is another key advantage of public cloud computing. Because public clouds are very scalable, organizations may quickly add or remove resources when needed. This enables businesses to react rapidly to shifting requirements and expectations.

Agility is part of the modern world’s business operations. It allows businesses to weather sudden changes or meet needs they could not have anticipated.

4. Improved Resource Allocation

Many traditionally time-consuming and blunder-prone processes are now automated in the public cloud over infrastructure, which the cloud provider is charged with maintaining. Businesses may, therefore, automatically deploy or recall resources, expand apps, and change capacity without placing a burden on IT. IT personnel may be freed up to focus on more significant and revenue-focused operations.


1. The Shared Responsibility Model

The public cloud approach adheres to The Shared Responsibility Model. This implies that, even though a third-party service provider watches and reacts to dangers to the cloud infrastructure, they are not responsible for safeguarding each customer’s data, apps, processes, or operating systems. That effort is solely the responsibility of the consumer. Many clients may be unaware of their position in the Shared Responsibility Model and might not have implemented robust cloud-specific cybersecurity policies.

2. Regulatory Compliance Difficulties

Given the multi-tenancy challenge, certain firms may confront high regulatory compliance criteria that are either challenging or impossible to achieve in a public cloud environment.

3. Vendor Lock-In

Given the multi-tenancy challenge, certain firms may confront high regulatory compliance criteria that are either challenging or impossible to achieve in a public cloud environment.

While the public cloud provides considerable cost reductions for most firms in the short term, the company will eventually become dependent on its selected cloud vendor to continue daily operations. Consequently, even if rates rise, the company may face vendor lock-in and have no choice but to pay. 

Final Thought

Each cloud has its appropriate uses and serves specific markets and needs. As such, the best way to decide which one to pick in the public vs. private cloud debate is to start with a list of your requirements. With that in hand, you can match your company or organization to the best cloud model to adopt.

You don’t even have to choose between the two anymore, given that hybrid packages now exist that make the best of both worlds.


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