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How do Technology Prove to be Powerful Allies in Times of Crisis?

by TechnologyTimesNow
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Technology  – Every big change and time of crisis was an opportunity to deploy and implement an arsenal of innovations designed to ease people’s lives and meet their everyday needs. But, how do technology, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence prove to be powerful allies in times of crisis? Here is a roundup of some inspiring advancements and exciting facts regarding the role of technology during pandemics.

Technology and Covid-19: a powerhouse of prosperity?

Since the spring of 2020, all over the world, people wearing masks along with the many new security boundaries imposed became our new reality. Many sectors have been busy implementing initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of the pandemic.

Some industries and businesses have reinvented themselves during the crisis, going so far as to transform their production to manufacture medical equipment. Indeed, the coronavirus has brought innovation and responsiveness to the forefront.

Today, businesses are more proactive than ever, knowing that the pandemic is still here to stay. However, the impacts are better known, and it is possible to anticipate what will happen.

The major trends in technological sectors during pandemics intend to mitigate the shock of the COVID-19 worldwide crisis. These trends are encompassing online shopping, contactless payment, robot delivery, telecommuting, supply chain management systems, the use of drones, and technological solutions to prevent and reduce the spread of the virus.

Artificial Intelligence contributing during the pandemic

During the pandemics, the delivery sector started soaring. The unprecedented situation even made robots come into our homes! Delivery robots, such as those created by Amazon, FedEx, or Alibaba, are expected to circulate more and more in the coming years.

The physical distancing instructions also lead several public administrations, sectors, and organizations to equip themselves with robots, the perfect companion for the automation of certain tasks, and hygiene and precision, especially in the hospital sector. In some cities, robots have even circulated in the streets to enforce containment.

Drone: a technology that takes off

In March 2020, Business Insider reporter Lisa Eadicicco reported the story of a man, VakisDemetriou, in lockdown in Cyprus due to the coronavirus. Vakis used a drone during the lockdown to walk his dog. Gone viral, the video of the Cypriot posted on Facebook demonstrates the endless potential of these devices.

In several Chinese cities, drones equipped with thermal cameras took residents’ temperature during confinement; others sprayed disinfectant in public places.

Distance learning courses and training

Zoom, Meet, Teams, WebEx, Skype: videoconferencing solutions have also enriched our vocabulary by entering our lives like a tsunami, transforming themselves into powerful levers of communication, socialization, and professional cohesion. In fact, the phenomenal growth in their use could dramatically change the way people approach human resources.

Healthcare of the future: telemedicine and artificial intelligence

Technology, pharmacy, and medicine go hand in hand with the prevention, care, and cure of the coronavirus. AI has facilitated the anticipation and understanding of certain outbreaks and spreads or the diagnosis of certain potentially infected patients.

Simple, robust, and efficient, smart bracelets also became very popular. In several cities and countries, they turn out to be suitable to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. In the event of an infection, a responsible person can view the history of interactions detected. Then the anonymous data can be the starting point for the management portal to define an internal action plan.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies play a crucial role in keeping our society functional in lockdown times. And one thing is sure among many uncertainties. If the pandemic is ever completely stopped, technology will continue to advance and spread and, hopefully, for humanity’s benefit.

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