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5 tips to make your wifi faster

A slow internet connection is something very annoying. The WiFi connection can be unstable in many cases. Still, we always have some options to get it to work faster on our Android phone, which will cause us to browse and have a better experience.

Some tips to make our WiFi connection go faster on our Android device.

These are simple but effective tips that will be of help to us at all times. Thus, we can browse or stream content without having to worry about the speed of the WiFi.Increase the WiFi speed of your Android mobile and more devices

Change DNS

One of the most effective ways is to change the DNS that we use on our Android device. We have to go to the phone settings, and within them, you must enter the WiFi or wireless connections (the name depends on each brand). In this section, we will see a list of the wireless networks available at that time.

When connected to the network that interests us, whether it is our home or work, we click on it and select the choice to modify the network that appears on it. Clicking on this option gives us various settings called IP Settings, which we must click on in this case.

We then select the static IP option that appears on the screen. When we do this, two new sections appear on the screen, called DNS 1 and 2. The only thing we must do then modify the value in that box, and replace it with Then we give it to save, and we can now navigate with our Android phone with a better WiFi connection.

Increase Stability

We must improve the WiFi connection, something we can do by improving its stability. It is something that will help to keep the up and down speeds more constant, preventing them from oscillating in high ranges. What we will do is take advantage of the frequency channels. We have to find a channel with less traffic, which will allow us to navigate at a higher speed.

In this process, we must make use of an application called WiFi Analyzer, which will show us the frequency channels and thus be able to choose the best one for us to have better navigation on Android. It is an app that we can download for free on our phone or tablet.

Avoid Barriers

This can happen if your house has two floors, and the router is on the ground floor, and you are on the top floor. Some barriers affect the WiFi connection on Android. We refer to walls, with materials such as cement, brick, or plaster, which undoubtedly affect the connection. They cause that the signal that our device receives is much weaker, or even in some cases, there is no signal at all.

Therefore, when connecting, we must try to have the least amount of barriers. Although in the case of a two-story house, it is complicated. But if there are no barriers or few that have no influence, the connection will be better between the router and the phone. A very simple way to have a better connection.

Connected Devices

The security of our WiFi is something important. A slow connection may not be due solely to a technical problem. There may be more devices connected to it, without us knowing it. How to know if someone is connected? There are applications for this on Google Play. One of the best is the Kaspersky Smart Home. Thanks to it, we can see the devices connected to our WiFi.

Thus, we will see if there are people who access our network, causing it to slow down. In case it happens, we must take measures to protect it, one of them is to change the router password. A very useful application that we can download for free on Android.

Improve your Router

Maybe the problem with WiFi does not reside in our Android phone, but in the router. One of the biggest problems is that the router is outdated. The current standard is WiFi 802.11, which is soon to change. Therefore, we must check if our router supports this connection. Although it is not probable, if it is a somewhat old router, it can happen.

We usually have a sticker on the router itself. In it, we will see its compatibility with the WiFi 802.11 standard. Something that will let us know if it is old and possibly the cause of the problem. If so, a more current router would be the solution to this connection problem. So we can have a good WiFi connection on Android.


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